
Welcome to the Aging Well Lab at UT Dallas

Our research is dedicated to using basic and translational scientific research studies to promote health and wellbeing across adulthood. We use a variety of behavioral, modeling and neuroimaging techniques to better understand how the mind and the brain change as people get older.


Psychological Mechanisms of Skewed Decision Making Across Adulthood


Dr. Kendra Seaman received a National Science Foundation grant to better understand the psychological mechanisms and motivations that lead some older adults to make riskier financial decisions than younger adults.

Want to participate in our studies?

Adults aged 25-85 can help us.

Check out our blog!

Learn a little more about who we are and what we do.

Scientific Research Network on Decision Neuroscience and Aging (SRNDNA)

Learn more about the national network focused on decision neuroscience and aging housed in our research laboratory.